Call Me Battle: Blondie vs Cheap Trick


Hi! It’s Me!  Just calling to let you know that it’s time for another round of the Call Me Battle of the Bands.  I’m writing this in September, so I’ll give an update on me when I post the results.

Not quite ready to throw in the towel on this series… but close! We’ll start the playoffs soon :)

But first we have some rock tunes (in honor of Rocktober) that are competing for the top ‘Call Me’ song out there.  Remember, you’re voting for which of THESE TWO contenders that you prefer.

First up on the stage is….


Our second contender on the stage is….

Cheap Trick

Who will make it to the playoffs? Cast your votes in the comments below. If you find yourself unable to leave a comment, please visit Jingle Jangle Jungle’s facebook page to leave a comment on the post that correlates with this battle. 

In the event that you are new here, or you have simply forgotten… Here’s a review of how a battle works:

  1. Listen to each of the contenders. Try not to be persuaded by the videos. I like to close my eyes and let the music transport me. Keep an open mind and don’t be persuaded by the artist name. 

  2. Pick the contender that you prefer the most

  3. Leave a comment with the name of the contender you have chosen. Feel free to expound upon your choice. 

  4. Visit the other bloggers that have battles taking place. Their battles are different from each other, so be sure to check them out.  

    1. Stephen McCarthy 

    2. Tossing It Out

    3. The Sound of One Hand Typing

    4. Curious As A Cathy

    5. dIEDRE

    6. Debbie DogLady

    7. Boromax aka Ed

    8. Mike’s Ramblings

Are you a blogger and want to join in the fun with your own music battles on the 1st and 15th of each month (or only one battle a month) - reach out to Mr McCarthy to get yourself added to the list! 

Alright now… Cast your votes in the comments! Voting Results will be posted on the 22nd of this month.  


  1. Wow, two very worthy songs! I love Cheap Trick, but "Hanging on the Telephone" is sheer brilliance. Blondie was tremendous back in the late '70s/early '80s, and this song is a great representation of that talent.

  2. Songs unheard, I thought I'd go for Cheap Trick, but no. Blondie stole the show this time!


    Holy guitars! That was a tough one! Blondie got a slight edge for me due to the vocal and the danceability factor. I'm not generally a pogo dancer.... ~Ed.

  4. I like both groups a great deal. I don't consider this song as among Cheap Trick's best efforts so they don't get my vote here. Give my vote to Blondie--I like that song a lot.



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