Call Me Battle Results

Welcome back to the Call Me Battle Results!

First, an update on me…

In case you all missed it, I started chemotherapy on August 8. It did kick my butt, and I had low energy, but I did alright with round 1. Round 2 happened on August 29. Because the first round zapped all of my energy and lowered my blood counts, they gave me a reduced amount of chemo.  Even with the reduced chemo, it really kicked my butt hard. I lost all strength in my legs and arms and had diarrhea for a solid 5 days. I couldnt get out of bed without assistance.  I ended up going to the emergency room where they transferred me to the hospital closest to my medical team.  I spent a full week in the hospital and then the hospital wasnt quite ready to send me home because I still wasnt able to do a whole lot without assistance. So they admitted me to their inpatient rehabilitation. I had to stay a minimum of 5 days with physical and occupational therapy 3 hours a day.  Then, because we know that the cancer treatments will continue at some point… my family arranged for me to move into an assisted living center.  I’m slowly getting my belongings here, but it’s a good facility and they take good care of me. I am able to move about as I please, and happy to share that my strength and energy levels are returning. I no longer need assistance to stand up, but I still use my walker to get places. I think that’s more of a psychological assist than anything and hopefully soon I wont need that either. 

Now that you’ve been updated on ME…. let’s talk about this battle!

Final results -

Anne Murray with 7 votes 

John, Lee, Judge Al, Birgit, Diedre, Debbie D, Ed

Beach Boys with 1 vote


Anne Murray runs away with the votes! 


Singing us out is Anne Murray. 

Be sure to come back on the 1st for another Boozy Battle and we’ll also have another Call Me Battle on the 15th. Don’t forget to join me for Rocktober beginning Oct 1 - a daily Rock Music post for each day of the month.  Attached below is a graphic you can use - or you can create your own. The only real rule is that it is Rock Music and a daily post.  I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. 




  1. Hokey-Smoke!!
    Stephen T. came to rescue thee
    (...from a shutout).

    MMQE, I trust that the check is in the mail(?)

    ~ D-FensDogG

    POSTSCRIPT: How's the wine in that place? Surely by now they have shared some of their stash with ya. If not, [Link> "Kill, kill, kill! Make a scene!"

    1. I'm guessing I am going to have to supply my own stash. Now that need to find a good one that I like.

    2. We "professional" drinkers recommend 'Thunderbird' (if you prefer white wine) and 'Night Train' (if'n you prefer red wine).

      What a coincidence that the world's two best wines come out of the same winery in Modesto, California, where 'American Graffiti' happened!

      ~ D-Fens-*hick!*-DogG

  2. Oh wow! I hate hearing about your situation, but you seem to be taking things in stride. But thaI's the way to do things I guess. I don't know how I'd handle your situation, but my prayers are with you.

    Your outcome was almost as bad as my own which are now posted. At least all your teams had one point on the board.


  3. That's a lot to deal with, Mary, and as always, I admire your fortitude. Sounds like things are improving a little and that's encouraging! Keep on truckin'...

    As for the battle, I'm surprised it was that one-sided!


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