Call Me Battle Results

Yeah Yeah… I know. I’m late posting these results again. 

I’m doing fine. Just running behind schedule.  

I managed to push the start date for chemo until August 8. But my excuse for my lateness is that I had gone out of town, and was gone longer than expected - and silly me didn’t think to bring my laptop with me. 

So how did the July Call Me Battles turn out?

Let’s find out!

Final results -

ELO with 5 votes 

Stephen, Judge Al, Birgit, John, Diedre

Kraftwerk with 1 vote 


Not a complete shutout, but definitely a blowout. I do thank you all for stopping by with your votes.


Singing us out is ELO


Be sure to come back on the 1st for another Boozy Battle and we’ll also have another Call Me Battle on the 15th.  I’ve got my battles through September written and scheduled - so even if I’m going through some medical stuffs, please stop by and cast your votes.



  1. MMQE ~

    Kudos to Mr. Ed for saving you from the dreaded shutout! Methinx you should send him a box of chocolates, or a dozen roses. Or mayhaps a bale of hay?

    I'm thinking that my next Battle Of The Booze on August 1 won't be my most popular. (It depends on a person's interest in novelty songs and Zimmerman.) But I'm-a do it because... I gotta be me ...and if I don't be me, who will?

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Hey there!

      My next boozy battle is giving party vibes. Small hint: Sammy vs George

      See you in a few!


    2. I'm just going to let you stew on it for a few days. Not saying you are correct, but also not saying you aren't...


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