Battle of the Booze

It may be the first day of April - but this battle is not foolish!

For today’s battle, we are time traveling to one of my most favorite musical eras!

*you know you love this time period as well, don’t lie!

I also worry this may be a bit of a blowout. But I hope you give them both a fair listen, and cast your vote for the one that you enjoyed the most.

Our first contender may not be best known for this tune, but it’s a fun one that is about the guys wanting to stay out all night jamming and drinking Dom Perignon

Come on Mama, give me a break

Me and the boys are gonna stay out late

I can't help it, it's in my bones

We'll be jammin' all night long

Gonna play up a storm

Ooh, yeah sure am

We're gonna have us a champagne jam

We're gonna have us a champagne jam

Ooh hoo,

Break out the guitars and let's play some blues

Don't want no whiskey gimme some high class booze

Pour us some champagne

Ooh, thank you maam

We're gonna have us a champagne jam

We're gonna have us a champagne jam

Yeah, so let's have some first class fun

Everybody gonna play some

Let's raise a ruckus, let's tie one on

Break out a bottle of Dom Perignon

If they throw us in jail, we don't give a damn

We're gonna have us a champagne jam

So, pour us some champangne, woo

Thank you maam, thank you maam

We're gonna have us a champagne jam

We're gonna have us a champagne jam

Hey yeah yeah yeah

So come on

Woo hoo hoo

"Ahh, play it Dean"


What do you say, whatchoo say

Woo hoo

Thank you maam

Atlanta Rhythm Section 


Our second contender is a song about needing a different type of break.

I was tired of my lady

We'd been together too long

Like a worn out recording

Of a favorite song

So while she lay there sleepin'

I read the paper in bed

And in the personal columns

There was this letter I read

If you like piña coladas

And gettin' caught in the rain

If you're not into yoga

If you have half a brain

If you like makin' love at midnight

In the dunes on the cape

Then I'm the love that you've looked for

Write to me and escape

I didn't think about my lady

I know that sounds kinda mean

But me and my old lady

Had fallen into the same old dull routine

So I wrote to the paper

Took out a personal ad

And though I'm nobody's poet

I thought it wasn't half bad

Yes, I like piña coladas

And gettin' caught in the rain

I'm not much into health food

I am into champagne

I've got to meet you by tomorrow noon

And cut through all this red tape

At a bar called O'Malley's

Where we'll plan our escape

So I waited with high hopes

And she walked in the place

I knew her smile in an instant

I knew the curve of her face

It was my own lovely lady

And she said, "Oh, it's you"

Then we laughed for a moment

And I said, "I never knew"

"That you like piña coladas

And gettin' caught in the rain

And the feel of the ocean

And the taste of champagne

If you like making love at midnight

In the dunes on the cape

You're the lady I've looked for

Come with me and escape"

If you like piña coladas

And gettin' caught in the rain

If you're not into yoga

If you have half a brain

If you like making love at midnight

In the dunes on the cape

I'm the love that you've looked for

Write to me and escape

Yes, I like piña coladas

And gettin' caught in the rain

I'm not much into health food

I am into champagne

I've got to meet you by tomorrow noon

And cut through all this red tape

At a bar called O'Malley's

Rupert Holmes 

If you’re a blogger and want to join in the fun, please do so! There’s plenty of content for everyone to join in. 

In the event that you are new here, or you have simply forgotten… Here’s a review of how a battle works:

  1. Listen to each of the contenders. Try not to be persuaded by the videos. I like to close my eyes and let the music transport me. Keep an open mind and don’t be persuaded by the artist name. 

  2. Pick the contender that you prefer the most

  3. Leave a comment with the name of the contender you have chosen. Feel free to expound upon your choice. 

  4. Visit the other bloggers that have battles taking place. Their battles are different from each other, so be sure to check them out.  

    1. Stephen McCarthy 

    2. Tossing It Out

    3. The Sound of One Hand Typing

    4. Curious As A Cathy

    5. dIEDRE

    6. Debbie DogLady

    7. Christine

    8. Boromax aka Ed

Alright now… Cast your votes in the comments! Voting Results will be posted on the 8th of this month.  

Don’t forget to also check out today’s Song of The Day! 


  1. The first song (not the artist) is an introduction. I know the second song and while I'm terribly tempted to cast my vote here, I'm not going to. I think I'll give my vote to Atlanta Rhythm Section because I really love their vibe! :)

    When you get a chance swing by my place for my latest BTOB!

  2. I don't think I've ever heard Champagne Jam before! The Pina Colada song gets played a lot around here, so it's kind of an earworm. ☺ I like the beat of the Atlanta Rhythm Section better , as well as champagne, so they get my vote. 🥂🍾

    1. I'll admit - it was new to me as well. Am learning more and more with these battles. A second vote for ARS.

  3. I love this music era! Both of these are great tunes that evoke different memories for me. Between these two the choice is easy for me. "The Pina Colada" song got a lot lot of airplay back then. I liked it, but never bought a copy. I did have the Champagne song on an ARS album. My first wife and I listened to that album a lot during our time together.

    I vote for Atlanta Rhythm Section "Champagne Jam"


    1. Pina Colada song is one that people either love or hate. A third vote for ARS.

  4. I'm going with ARS, for a more realistic ending ;-) Not that I don't like the Pina Colada song, I really do - like when she says "Oh. It's you. " LOL!

    1. I have a feeling this may turn out to be a blowout, if not a complete shutdown. Another vote for ARS!

  5. I have to day i will choose Pina colada song. I just always loved it.

    1. Yay! You saved the day! It was looking pretty bleak for Rupert Holmes until you swooped in with your vote.

  6. MMQE ~

    I like piña coladas!

    But I don't like gettin' caught in the rain.

    I'm not into yoga,

    and I have half a brain.

    I like sleeping at midnight,

    and I get an allergic reaction to champagne.

    Also, on St. Patrick's Night in 1983, my Brother and I got kicked out of a bar called O'Mahoney's. (But we were welcomed at Ye Mucky Duck!)

    Of all the Battles in this round of BOTB, this one of yours was the toughest on me. I have always loved the cleverness of the Rupert Holmes song; however, I really, really dig the instrumental work on the A.R.S. jam (even though champagne makes my face turn redder than fire!)

    In the end, I gotta side with "clever" and vote for 'ESCAPE (The Piña Colada Song)'. It always reminds me of drinking daiquiris on Catalina Island. My brother, Judge Al Bondigas, happened to be in the room while I was listening to your Battle, so I axed him which song he liked better. He said that he was "rulin'" for Rupert's 'ESCAPE'. (I think it reminds him of drinking tequila in Ensenada, Mexico... just before we went to jail. ;-)

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Whew! Between you, Judge Al, and Birgit - you guys just evened up the votes. I haven't counted officially, but it's looking much better than it did 24hrs ago.

  7. This is hard, because I really like both of them. I'll go with ARS and "Champagne Jam" because they're my hometown boys.

    1. I feel you. If it comes to a tie, I have to make that tough choice as well. Not sure which way I am leaning in this battle.


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