Call Me Battle: November

Here we go again! 

We took a nice little break during October to celebrate a month of Rock. I probably could have come up with a battle during that time, but as I am writing these posts in advance, I wanted to be sure to take some time for myself to heal as well.

The Partridge Family squeaked out another win by the skin of their teeth. Literally by one vote!  

I have another worthy contender for these Partridges.  Let’s see how they do.  The winner of this round will move on to Phase 2 of the Call Me Battles. 

What is Phase 2?  Simply a broader scope of songs that involve telephones and calling people, where as Phase 1 was songs that had a phone number in them. 

Are you tired of the theme? Don’t worry, McCarthy and I are cooking up some fun that will hopefully spice things up. 

Partridge Family

Tommy Tutone

Will Tommy Tutone take the lead? Or will The Partridge Family hold their own for another month? Any guesses as to what McCarthy and I have got brewing in the back room?  Cast your votes in the comments below.

In the event that you are new here, or you have simply forgotten… Here’s a review of how a battle works:

  1. Listen to each of the contenders. Try not to be persuaded by the videos. I like to close my eyes and let the music transport me. Keep an open mind and don’t be persuaded by the artist name. 

  2. Pick the contender that you prefer the most

  3. Leave a comment with the name of the contender you have chosen. Feel free to expound upon your choice. 

  4. Visit the other bloggers that have battles taking place. Their battles are different from each other, so be sure to check them out.  

    1. Stephen McCarthy 

    2. Tossing It Out

    3. Mike’s Ramblings

    4. The Sound of One Hand Typing

    5. Curious As A Cathy

    6. dIEDRE

    7. Debbie DogLady

    8. Christine

Alright now… Cast your votes in the comments! Voting Results will be posted on the 8th of this month.  


  1. Tommy Tutone for me. No surprise there, yes? ☺ Looking forward to the new themes!

  2. I still like the Partridge song, but the Tommy Tutone song is a classic earworm.

    A vote for Tommy Tutone.


  3. I'm for Tommy Tutone as it's a classic song. I believe, due to all the calls to this #, is the reason 555 is now in all tv, film and songs.

  4. Think I'll go with The Partridge Family this time around. I like that it's mellow...

  5. Yay! I thought you'd never get around to Tommy Tutone - what a great song. But I'm sticking with Echo Valley. It's the only song by the Partridges I've ever liked ;-)

  6. MMQE ~

    My all-time favorite phone number song is 'Pennsylvania 6-5000' by the Glenn Miller Orchestra. Unfortunately, that recording got eliminated a long time back.

    But you'll recall that I privately told you I strongly suspected that Tommy Tutone's '867-5309' would come out on top of this BOTB Challenge (and you agreed with that assessment). Why? Well, dang, it's a very good, upbeat and earworm-y song. In fact, to me it's one of the most earworm-y songs ever recorded. I always liked this song. Not enough to buy it but, helck, I didn't need to buy it since I heard it on the radio every hour or two for years!

    I'd never heard this Partridge Family song until you introduced it in this BOTB Challenge. However, as the months have gone by it has grown on me a great deal. I really, Really, REALLY dig it now! It has a sad, reminiscing mood about it that takes my mind back to simpler, better times. It's certainly not the earworm that Tommy Tutone's song is, but I can honestly say I like it better.

    '867-5309' is a terrific tune. I still believe it will be the ultimate winner here - and it deserves to be a winner - but...

    I'm still going ALL THE WAY
    With Susan DEY!

    (And if her brother, David Cassidy, wants to come along too, I s'pose I can't say "No".)

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. POSTSCRIPT: I nearly chuckled-out-loud when I saw John Holton's BOTB for this month. Has he been reading our mail?
      ~ D-FensDogG


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