#4M : Have Yourself An Offensive Christmas

Today’s theme for #MondaysMusicMovesMe or #4M has been chosen by Marie of Xmas Dolly.  She has chosen all of the themes for the month of December.  As her name implies, she is a big fan of the Christmas Holiday, and as such has she has chosen the entire month to be Holiday music. Let the collective groan begin.

Last week wasn’t so bad, was it? One down, three to go ! (Make that two down, two to go after today!)

I wanted to do something fun for today. This story has been all over the internet lately about radio stations pulling “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” because some people find the lyrics offensive.  This other piece has been circulating the internet as well - you know darn well that I’m using it as my playlist for today!

The post going viral:

If you decide to pull “Baby it’s Cold Outside” from its playlist because someone was offended, I feel that these other holiday songs must also be removed as they are offensive as well. Do so immediately.

  1. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus: subjecting minors to softcore porn
  2. The Christmas Song: Open fire? Pollution. Folks dressed up like Eskimos? Cultural appropriation
  3. Holly Jolly Christmas: Kiss her once for me? Unwanted advances
  4. White Christmas? Racist (For irony - I chose The Drifters video over Bing Crosby)
  5. Santa Claus is Coming to Town: Sees you when you’re sleeping? Knows when you’re awake? Peeping Tom stalker
  6. Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Everyone telling you be of good cheer? Forced to hide depression
  7. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: Bullying
  8. It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas: Forced gender-specific gifts: dolls for Janice and Jen and boots and pistols (GUNS!) for Barney and Ben
  9. Santa Baby: Gold digger, blackmail
  10. Frosty the Snowman: Sexist; not a snow woman
  11. Do You Hear What I Hear: blatant disregard for the hearing impaired
  12. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas: Make the yuletide GAY? Wow, just wow
  13. Jingle Bell Rock: Giddy up jingle horse, pick up your feet: animal abuse
  14. Mistletoe and Holly: Overeating, folks stealing a kiss or two? How did this song ever see the light of day?
  15. Winter Wonderland: Parson Brown demanding they get married…forced partnership
  16. Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer: Murder! And no one seems to care. Call Nancy Grace!

Now please enjoy this playlist and be properly offended!

Today’s post is part of the Monday’s Music Moves Me blog hop, hosted by X-Mas Dolly, and co-hosted by JAmerican Spice, Stacy Uncorked, Curious as a Cathy. , and Ramblin with AM. Be sure to stop by the hosts and visit the other participants.  If you have a MUSIC* post, feel free to join in the fun! *sorry non-music posts are not permitted in this bloghop.


  1. Oh my! So some songs are actually being pulled down because they seem offensive? I go for Christmas songs for their calming tunes before lyrics since you find the best songs have offensive lyrics. But again, if it's offensive, let it just be pulled down.

    1. Yes. Baby It's Cold Outside is a song that is only 74 years old, and now it is being deemed as offensive. It seems everyone gets offended by something these days.

  2. I had been hearing about the "Baby It's Cold Outside" kerfuffle at work and, as a senior citizen, guess my mind is in a different place. I read your entire post to my spouse. That viral posting is funny and sad. Really. OK, so Bing Crosby is trying to...well, we know what he is trying to do. Shock. People in those days did the same things they do now, except the lyrics were in better taste! (end of rant) Loved your theme. I wonder how many others of us are going to be commenting about these songs. Maybe I'll have to change my entry around, too. Have a great week!

    1. Alana, I am with you on this. I don't understand why everyone is so bent out of shape over this song. They seem to forget that it was written in a time when our standards were different. She couldn't stay because it would have been inappropriate for a single woman to spend the night.

      I'm glad that you saw the tongue in cheek about the theme today. I'm also curious how many others are writing about this. Guess I better go make my rounds :)

  3. Well, now that I am properly offended and depressed, I believe I'll curl up in a corner and wait for my therapist to arrive and tell me how I should feel about all of this. Have a blessed week.

    1. Thanks Driller! I hope your therapist tells you to ignore the outside sources and go with your gut. Have a great week!

  4. I agree with Alana: that viral post is both funny and sad. Pathetic, really. Some people just want to take all the fun out of everything. It upsets them to see other people having fun.

    When Mary and I first moved to Atlanta, the story one year was that the city of Gainesville, Georgia canceled its Christmas parade because the local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan wanted to enter a float with the theme "I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas."

    1. I hear what you are saying, John. When I moved to Portland, there were protests on any given weekend. I thought to myself - these people are Anti-Everything! Of course, now that it's 20 years later, those protests have become more violent. It really has spoiled the beauty of the locale.

  5. Great songs and people are crazy. Every song is racist and offensive. I am not sorry for that statement because the PC people totally irk me and set me off. Why can't we just enjoy stuff instead of always having to poke at things.

    All of those songs are great as far as I am concerned.

    1. Thank you Patrick for seeing my post for how it was intended. I agree, we should just enjoy the songs for the pure entertainment value and put our sensitivities away.

  6. Hahaha! I love this, Mary. ☺ People get so easily offended these days and it's reached ridiculous proportions. It also scares me a little. Shades of "Fahrenheit 451", "1984" and "The Handmaid's Tale"!

    1. You got that right, Debbie! They say to fight fire with fire, so guess what songs I'll be listening to the most? LOL

  7. These songs are classics! I can't believe some people find them offensive. My goodness. Don't they have something else to do but find something that offends them? Seriously. I will be listening to these songs no matter what they think of it. Not being rebellious anything. It's my ears that are hearing them, not theirs anyway.

  8. Mary,

    People who are SO easily offended are basically miserably people to begin with so I'm not going to let these bah-hum-buggers spoil my Christmas fun. It certainly isn't going to stop me from listening to my stash of 'offensive tunes' this holiday season because as you said the ones on your playlist probably offends someone somewhere. *roll eyes* I'm loving and grooving merrily to your playlist right now. Great set of songs to get us rockin' for the Christmas season, my friend. Have a joyful and blessed holiday, my friend.

  9. Ha! I love this. Some of them on the list made me chuckle. Someone a few years ago said that they thought of that song as the "date rape" song, and I've never been able to listen to it the same way since. It's almost a shame that songs are ruined like that. :( I still love the song and the harmonies, though.

    1. I hate when people say things like that about songs. It also bothers me when artists have really great music, and then they do something in their personal lives that turns your stomach. It makes it difficult to hear the songs the same way again.

  10. I am so glad you did this post. I was tempted to do something similar, but only thought of Mommy Kissing Santa and Santa Baby. I think everything gets overanalyzed these days.

    1. Thanks! I'm thinking of doing another tongue-in-cheek post next week and a more serious post on the 24th.

  11. Baby, it's cold outside is my favorite Christmas song, and I can't picture the holiday without listening to it. I feel like, people are going to far.

  12. Everyone is so touchy touchy these days. I see nothing offensive in these songs. I wonder what is going on with people.

    1. It seems people are just over sensitive about everything lately. Too many 'participation trophies and not enough 1st place.

  13. Hi Mary. I heard something about that song being pulled from the radio because someone was offended but never saw the story on why. I kept meaning to play the song again to see if I can hear anything offensive as I always loved that song. What a great list, it made me smile :)

  14. Great post. What is the world coming too? Everyone is easily offended these days.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

    1. Thank you Athena and Marie!

      People just need to build a few bridges and get over it.

  15. I have the same playlist. since I am not familiar with the Baby, It’s Cold Outside, so I checked youtube. I don't find it offensive. it's a beautiful song.

    1. I'm calling BS here. How can you have the same playlist and not be familiar with the song that is on it? Also... you wouldn't need to look it up on youtube, as it is already included in the playlist.

      I agree, it is not offensive.

  16. What is offensive with those songs? I don't get it. Some people seem like their happiness comes from finding offense.

    1. That's the point - there is nothing offensive about these songs. We've somehow managed to raise a generation of oversensitive induhviduals (misspelling intended!)

  17. I LOVE what you did, Mary! Isn't it crazy what's going on in the world right now? CRAZY. I thoroughly enjoyed your playlist, and am happy to report, I wasn't offended in the least little bit. ;) Thanks for the festive dance - hope you're having a great week!

    1. Not offended? Hmph! I'm going to have to try harder! just kidding. I'm glad that you enjoyed the playlist. I think I've something fun lined up for next week.

  18. I am in japan so we don't get the whole “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”problem. I think the whole movement against the song is silly. I never had an issue of it and I am female. This sounds like a PETA-related issue where they cry every time they see meat.

  19. After going through this whole holiday listening to some of the crazy reason for pulling different songs..I am glad I can come here to your page to smile about it!! Happy New year!!


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