#BattleOfTheBands : Christmas Edition

I had many intentions to get this post pre-written and all set to go on time.  Well, you know what they say about good intentions, right?

At least I had written down the name of the song that I wanted to use. That’s a start.  What I hadn’t done was make note of the links for the videos.  Of course, it’s now the Eleventh hour before time for the post to go live and I’m scrambling to get my act together.

I can’t help it. It’s been a very busy time for me lately, and the hurrier I go, the more behind I gets. If it’s not one thing that slows me down, it’s another - all week this has been happening!

Okay,  I’m going to get this show on the road because if I don’t ‘get on with it’ next thing we’ll know it’s January!

Before I get too involved in the battle, I wanted to give a shout out to my fellow BOTBer’s. I’ve been watching your posts, and stalking you. Mike has been posting his ‘BOTB Chronicles’ listing all of his past battles, John posted his as a spreadsheet, and many of us have seen Stephen mention my spreadsheet several times. But did you know that I not only track my own battles, but I have tracked each and every one of your battles.  My main purpose for tracking was to be sure that I wasn’t doing a battle that had already been done before, or to track how those battles turned out to compare if they had been re-done. I went all the way back to 2013.  When John posted his spreadsheet, I was inspired to do the same - making this spreadsheet available to everyone to view. You can find this Master Spreadsheet in the tabs across the top of this blog.  If you see any discrepancies, please let me know and I’ll correct them.  There are plenty of ?’s in the tallies as it was difficult to get an outcome other than ‘so and so won by a landslide!’  So if I couldn’t find a true number, I used a question mark. The Winners are in bold.

Now, we can Battle!

As a reminder for you seasoned readers and to help out those of you who may be new here

Here is how a battle works:

Step One - Listen to each of the contenders. TRY not to be persuaded by the videos (unless specifically requested - in the case of today’s battle, listening is more important than watching) 

Step Two - Pick  the contender that you prefer the most

Step Three - Comment  with your selection. The comment section has been set up so that anyone can leave a comment. I do ask that you please include your name, should you use the anonymous feature. Today’s contenders are The Regals and The Ames Brothers. These are the only contenders that will receive votes today in this battle. I know some of you get excited about the graphics when you see a name or song you recognize - but please, for the love of all things good and holy,  ONLY VOTE FOR THE REGALS OR THE AMES BROTHERS.

Step Four - Visit Stephen’s blog to check out his battle and for a list of other bloggers that have have battles going on. We each have different battles, so please be sure to visit everyone. I'll provide a link below the videos to Stephen's blog for your convenience.

This song is a new to me song. But it has been around since 1954. I don’t expect you to be familiar with either artist - but as it’s been pointed out a gazillion and one times (I counted!),  you don’t need to be familiar with an artist to know if you enjoy the music.

Contender #1 - The Regals

Contender #2 - The Ames Brothers

Now, to repeat myself again:

YOU DON’T NEED TO BE FAMILIAR WITH AN ARTIST OR A SONG TO KNOW WHICH ONE YOU PREFER. You only need to listen to the videos and choose which one sounds better to you.  There are no right or wrong votes, unless you vote for someone not listed as a contender or don’t vote at all.

For those of you who may be interested in joining in our fun - The battles take place twice a month. Once on the 1st, and again on the 15th. Some participants have chosen to participate only once a month - and that’s okay - we’re just happy to have you join us! Your battle can consist of covers of the same song, different songs with the same title, or even a themed type battle. We just want you to join in the fun!  Catch the link to Stephen’s blog to join in - all you need to do is drop him a comment on his blog stating you’d like to participate and he’ll add you to the roster of participants.

I’d like to encourage you to visit the other bloggers participating in the battle of the bands blog hop as well.  We’ve all put a lot of time and effort into putting together these battles and they are a lot of fun. Each blogger has a different battle taking place. You can find a current list of participants on Stephen’s blog (don't forget you can also request to join the battle of the bands blog hop by simply commenting on his blog that you'd like to join us). 

Alright now… Cast your votes for either The Regals or The Ames Brothers!

Voting will end on Friday, December 21 with results being posted on Saturday December 22.


  1. I have never heard this song. It's a weird relic of another time.

    I thought the Regals version was especially weird in a fun way. The Ames Brothers have always been a favorite of mine. Give my vote to Mingo and his brothers Ames.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks, Lee!

      I'm hanging onto a tiny factoid that I didn't include in the post as I didn't want it to play a role in the battle. I'll spill the beans when it comes time to the results.


  2. MMQE ~

    >>... "Well, you know what they say about good intentions, right?"

    That "everyone has one and they ALL stink"?

    I wasn't familiar with this song, either. (Can I still vote, though?) I get the feeling it was inspired by the ancient song 'There'll Always Be An England'. Tiny Tim knocked 'em dead in England by singing that at England's version of 'Woodstock'.

    Yep, I'm gonna aim my vote at THE AMES BROTHERS, also. I think their voices were better and so was their harmonizing.

    I used your spreadsheet again before this latest Battle. (Wanted to make sure no one else had previously used my male competitor's recording of the song. Looks like I'm the first, much to my great surprise. ;o)

    Say, did you send me an E? If so, I didn't get it. ("Didn't get it"... not to be confused with "Ignoring it". You can't ignore what you never saw.)

    ~ D-FensDogG @ STMcC Presents 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS'

    1. Hey there Stephen!

      No, I haven't yet sent you an E. It's been an absolutely crazy week for me. I've been a resident of Zuckerberg Penitentiary (aka Facebook Jail) for the past week for 'being too social'. I was running a tad behind schedule as it was, but that whole fiasco has really put me behind. According to them, if I am good, I shall be sprung from their thumb-hold on Sunday Dec 16, 12:58pm *yes, they are that precise.

      Of course, while I'm running around like crazy trying to get things done - my mouse dies on me. Thank goodness for rechargeable batteries, eh?

      I'm glad that the spreadsheet has come in handy for you once again. I almost always check it at least once before choosing my song(s)/artist(s).

      Two votes in... leaning toward the Ames boys. Let's see how long that lead lasts.


  3. This is one Christmas song I've never heard before! Well-done, Mary. ☺ My vote goes to the Ames Brothers, for their superior vocals. Great idea with the spreadsheet. I'll have a browse. There's a dedicated page on my website as well, with all my BOTB posts. Have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks, Debbie!

      My life has been insanely busy as of late. I started the spreadsheet a year or so ago, and have just been adding on to it. It has come in quite handy.


  4. I thought I was going to vote for The Ames Brothers, who are one of my favorite vocal groups. But, you know? I liked the voices of The Regals better on this, and the kid provided a little comic relief. In short, The Regals' cover sounded more like Christmas to me. So I'm voting for them.

    Really good spreadsheet there! You captured a lot more information than I did, which is good for historical purposes.

    1. Thanks, John!

      You have saved the Regals from a complete shutout :) I'm glad that you appreciate the spreadsheet. I've had it for years, but when you posted yours on your blog, the lightbulb over my head came on and I knew I needed to make this one available for all to access.


  5. This week for the battle of the bands I am going with The Ames Brothers. Just like their version better, That is why.

    1. Thanks, Candy!

      Appreciate you stopping in to vote :)


  6. Mary,

    I'm giving my vote to The Ames Brothers. It was the purrfect choice for my ears this round. Furtastic spreadsheet - very cool! Thanks for sharing. Have a jolly good ole Christmas season, my friend!

    1. Thanks, Cathy!

      I hope the spreadsheet comes in handy for you. It's such a crazy time for me right now. But in a much better situation than I was a year ago.

      Merry Christmas, my friend!


    2. Mary,

      Life is hectic here but I'll survive. I'm glad things are better for you this year over last. Have a wonderful Christmas, my friend!

  7. I have to go with the Ames Brothers on this one. The melodic flow is more my style. I really do love these posts! I love comparing on version with another of the same song. So much fun!

    1. Thanks, Emily!

      We do have our fun with the various battles. Sure, we'll have a zonker every once in a while, but most of the time they turn out pretty good.


  8. Mary has a spreadsheet? Hey, what about Cherdo! I need organizing, too, ha ha.

    Great battle, but girl...you had me a AMES BROTHERS. I got all Daniel Boone misty eyed at the thought of it. Great battle!

    Merry Christmas and happy new year!

    1. Thanks, Cherdo!

      You can use my spreadsheet, I don't mind :)

      Have the happiest of happiests


    2. >>... "Mary has a spreadsheet?"

      Yes, she does.
      She also has a little lamb whose fleece is white as snow.

      {And *that*, Peoples, is why BOTB will always need me. ;o)}

      ~ D-FensDogG @ STMcC Presents 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS'

    3. >>...She also has a little lamb whose fleece is white as snow.

      Not only that, but I also had a little lamb whose fleece was black as soot. Every where that little lamb went, his sooty foot he put!

    4. MMQE ~
      Ain't nobody what can accuse you of being racis'.

      And no worries about the E. Everybody is especially busy at this time o' year. I just wanted to make sure it hadn't been sent but I had failed to receive it for some reason.

      Carry on...

      ~ D-FensDogG @ STMcC Presents 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS'

  9. Ms Mary, I have to go with The Regals and here's why. The most stand out explicit thing is other people doing guest appearances - is this the Mike Douglas Show it's not the Mike Douglas Show.

    The Regals song:
    Young people call it "photobombimg" these days where they just step into the picture.
    Circa 10 seconds, some lady steps in with "Merry Christmas." Then circa 52 seconds, she starts making noises. That's what people in the biz call production value.

    I also like The Regals for another reason and here's why. They sound like The Four Freshman. But The Regals also wear cardigan sweaters but each teammate can choose his own sweater. They're all cardigan sweater but they're not all the same.

    Big vote for The Regals, a flashback favorite. I.. never heard of them before, thanks for the good post Mary. I now enjoy their song very much.

    1. Hey there GMann

      I'm so happy that you voted for The Regals. The more that I listen to their little tune, it grows on me (not quite like fungi) I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is truly something special about their version. I'm going to have a listen to them again and picture them in their Christmas sweaters.


  10. It's hard. I would have to say that I like them both equally?? But I love this kind of post you created! Very original.

    1. Thanks!

      There's actually a few of us that do this type of post twice a month. We like to have a lot of fun with it. I don't normally do this, but I will accept your split vote -only because I'm starting to get into the Christmas spirit (finally got the lid off!)


  11. Merry Christmas!!!! Battle away. :) I love some good holiday tunes.

    1. Welcome to the battle, McScrooge!

      While I was willing to split a vote earlier, yours is definitely a non-vote. Boo Hiss! No one likes a party pooper.

  12. I am in for the Regals!! Just brought back a lot of memories!!

    1. Thanks, Holly!

      Just when I thought the Ames Brothers were going to run away with this, The Regals are making a come back. We've got a few days of voting ahead of us still, so there's a good chance!


  13. I am not familiar with this song but i lioe the battle concept. Maybe we can use other Christmas songs that we are familiar with.

    1. You know.. I had a really long response to your comment all written out. But then, I realized you didn't bother to read the post, why would you bother to read the comment?

      Instead, I'm just going to leave your comment here, so the rest of the world can know that you just like to leave comments without bothering to read the posts.

  14. What a fanastic battle! I love oldies. My mom is a radio fanatic and would tune into small town radio station or radio station from far away (She could listen to Soviet/Russian radio stations when we lived in Alaska). Some of these stations were news radio but a lot of them were oldies stations. My siblings and I grew around her favorite music as well as oldies due to these stations.

    I really like The Regals' version better. I love the bells introducing the song. And, the vocals aren't too deep either.

    1. Thanks, Amy!

      I think a lot of music is really timeless, especially songs for the holidays.


  15. Heard both of them for the first time. Will go with the Regals.

    1. Thanks, Moni!

      The Regals are really making a comeback here. This is getting exciting!


  16. Hi Mary!
    And here, I thought I'd heard every Christmas song there ever was.
    Both renditions make me glad I live in the desert ;-) While both were very well done, The Regals gave me more of a 'Good Tidings around a Wood Stove' feeling.
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks, Diedre!

      >>...'Good Tidings around a Wood Stove' feeling.

      Hmmm perhaps that is what I have been feeling as well, but haven't been able to put it into words. Good call!


  17. The Ames version gets my vote Merry Christmas


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