#RocktoberMusicFest : Joe Walsh - Life's Been Good

Last week I shared with you a tune from James Gang.  In that post I mentioned that band was the first popular band to feature Joe Walsh.

Today, I wanted to share with you a song from my younger days.  I can tell you that I have ALWAYS loved this particular song (my mother, not so much… as she was forever telling me to ‘turn that crap off!’) My mother just didn’t like rock music at all so there was no pleasing her there.

This song has always made me giggle as Joe gives a satirical view of a rockstar’s life.  The song first appeared on the soundtrack for the film FM. The original eight-minute version was released on Walsh's album But Seriously, Folks..., and an edited 4 1/2 minute single version peaked at #12 on the Billboard charts. The song remains to be his biggest solo hit.

Here is the shorter, single version for your listening pleasure:

And as a special treat, I found this gem from an appearance he made on a show. I have no idea what the show is, but the video is pure entertainment. You can truly see his sense of humor in the video, and the rhythm guitar is having far too much fun. While the previous video was for listening pleasure, this one is for your viewing pleasure.

Fun Fact:  Joe is currently married to the sister of Ringo Starr's wife making Joe and Ringo brothers-in-law.

Wait! Don’t run off just yet!

Have you voted in yesterday’s Battle of the Bands?  Click this link, and I will hold your spot for you. (Seriously, a separate window will open up so you won’t lose your place here) Voting for the battle ends on Sunday, Oct 21 at  5pm EST, with results being posted on Monday Oct 22. It only takes a minute or two to listen to the contenders and cast your vote in the comments of that post.

This post is part of the #RocktoberMusicFest Blog Hop. Feel free to join in. You only need to have a blog post about Rock Music.  Visit the other participants and add your blog post to the list :)  Click HERE or the image below for more information. 



  1. Mary,

    The first time I heard the name Joe Walsh was when my childhood BFF's boyfriend shared the same last name and apparently there was relations connections but I can't recall now if he was pulling my leg or serious. That was about 1975 or 1976 and I don't think I knew any of Walsh's mewsic but the boyfriend really liked his guitar playing. I remember all of this because I think it was before DH started dating and... my BFF eventually ran off to married this long hair Walsh boy around that time. Soon after to get prego and a marriage that didn't last. I'm not sure what the reason was but I suspect drugs were involved with both parties because I recall her baby was born addicted. I did some stupid things as a teen but drugs wasn't one of those bad decisions. Kids just don't understand how easy it is for this stuff to get its hooks deep into the skin. Oh well...I do know this song and it definitely transports me to the late 70s. Excellent choice!

    1. Isn't it crazy how we relate certain songs and artists with different things in our lives? Glad that you enjoyed today's piece. Tomorrow is going to be another good one :)


  2. I recognized this song right away, but I don't think I've ever listened to the lyrics all the way before. I have now that you mentioned their purpose, thanks! :D I do know I laugh every time I hear him singing about knocking down walls, because apparently he really did that A LOT.

    1. Haha!

      Yes, I heard that he was quite the wild one back in the day. He has since cleaned up his act and has been sober for some time now. I was watching some more recent videos of him, and he still looks like a goofball!


  3. I was just a kid when this came out but it filled my fantasy with the wonders of a rock star. They were always bigger than life and after hearing this tune they reached the stars. Love the video!!!!

    1. Hi Bryan

      I was fairly young myself. You are right. It filled my head with lots of ideas of what it was like to be a rock star.

      Thanks for dropping in.



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