It's All In A Name... Part One #4M

Time again for Monday’s Music Moves Me, otherwise known as #4M or M4, depending upon whom you are conversing with.  Today’s Theme is  a freebie, but I’m going to be a bit ahead of everyone and use next week’s theme “tunes with male names in them”, as next Monday I have a battle of the bands scheduled (don’t worry… I’ll tie it in with the Male theme as well)

I originally wrote this post a few weeks ago, but the post was preempted by a last minute theme change.  I’ve decided since then to break the original post down into three parts, this being the first of three.

Jim And Jack And Hank - Alan Jackson

Chuck E.'s In Love - Rickie Lee Jones

Mickey - Toni Basil

Billy Don't Be a Hero - Paper Lace

Casey Jones - Grateful Dead

What are some of your favorite songs that have male names in the titles?

Today’s post is part of the Monday’s Music Moves Me blog hop, hosted by X-Mas Dolly, and co-hosted by JAmerican Spice, Stacy Uncorked and Curious as a Cathy.  Be sure to stop by the hosts and visit the other participants.


  1. Great list you have going here! Off the top of my head, Me & Bobby McGee and Mr. Bojangles.

    1. Hi Barbara!

      Those are some great songs! I definitely like them as well.


  2. Maria by Blondie is a pretty good pop song.....

    1. Hi Patrick!

      It is a good one. I'll have to keep it in mind when I do the female names :) Thanks for stopping by!


  3. Hey I signed up for this hop too. Funny we both used "Casey Jones"

    1. Hey Mike!

      Great to see you join in the fun! I'll be making my rounds after get done checking the back of my eyelids for holes. Good thing I limited myself to only 5 songs this time - who knows how many others we would have duplicated :)


  4. Mary,

    It's been a long while since I've heard "Chuck E.'s In Love". "Billy Don't Be A Hero" is such a sad song. I remember when it came out and the moody blues that settled over me after hearing it every time. Next week's line BoTB/4M lineup sounds interesting. Either you're more organized than me or I'm just a rebel (I say you're just more organized) because any time I tied together BoTB & 4M then I usually played off-key by not keeping our weekly theme. I can't wait to see what you've got planned! Have a tunetastic week, my friend!

    1. Hey there Cathy!

      I do enjoy a bit of organization. I think that's what frustrates me the most with last minute changes - this old brain has a hard time thinking on the fly. I like to plan it all out in advance. Speaking of which, I need to get on the ball and start thinking about my AtoZ theme for April. I'll be over in a bit to see what you've written about Dean Martin.


  5. Great songs and anytime you can have The Dead on your list you are doing well.

    1. Good Monday Morning to you, Patrick!

      Casey Jones is probably one of my most favorite Dead tunes. Glad that you enjoyed today's list. come back next week to cast your vote in my battle of the bands - it should be a good one!


  6. Great choices here! I think this is next week's theme, so I'll now have to eliminate these from whatever I come up with... but that's okay.

    I used "Billy, Don't Be A Hero" in November 2015 in my Battle of the Bands, because both Paper Lace and Bo Donaldson and The Heywoods did it at almost the same time. It was a tie. Remember that? It's one of those songs that I'm fond of even if it was kind of bubblegum.

    1. Hi John!

      It is next week's theme, but this poor post has been pushed and shoved around, torn apart etc. My battle of the bands will tie in pretty well with the theme as well. There's three parts to this post, and from checking out the upcoming theme dates, it looks like I need to do even more re-arranging to make room for a new theme plus get parts two and three posted.

      Billy Don't Be A Hero is one of my favorites. I think both Paper Lace and Bo Donaldson and The Heywoods do it justice. It's no surprise that the battle resulted in a tie.

      Thanks for dropping by!


  7. Jeremy - Pearl Jam, Joey - Concrete Blondes, Billy Get Your Gun - solo Jovi, A Boy Named Sue - Cash, Leroy Brown - Jim Croche. That was fun

    1. Hi Jeremy!

      I originally had A Boy Named Sue in the lineup, but a few people used it already when they did their posts early. (Back before all the themes changed around) I knew I had to tear the original post apart and break it into three posts, so I took out any duplications from others. LOVE Pearl Jam's Jeremy and you can't go wrong with Croce's Leroy Brown or Don't Mess Around with Jim.

      ~ Mary

  8. Sorry I'm so late. I've been gone all day with doctors & tests, and so much other stuff & now I'm pooped. Love, love, love your tunes. I bet you really had the gals hopping today. Sounds like to me you ROCKED THE HOUSE! Thanks for joining us.

    1. Life always takes precedence! Hope all is well with you. It was a fun theme, and I'll have parts two and three posted before you know it :)

      ~ Mary

  9. Hi, I like Alan Jackson and his cowboy style. He's a part of my childhood.

    1. Thanks!

      I saw Alan Jackson in concert back in 1998. It was a lot of fun. I really like this song.


  10. One of the songs I will feature Monday, hoping it is on You Tube, is Ben by Michael Jackson. You and your commenters came up with some good ones. Chuck e's in Love is a favorite, as is Casey Jones. Going to be fun!

    1. Thanks, Alana

      I just did a quick spot check and yes, Ben is on YouTube. Looking forward to your post :)


  11. Great list of songs! Casey Jones brings back so many memories from my teenage years! How about Joni Mitchell's Michael From Mountains? Love her!

    1. That is a good one! Thanks for the suggestion :)


  12. I can't help thinking of Johnny Cash's great "A Boy Named Sue." ~grin~ Love that one!

    1. That was on my original list, but when dates for the themes got moved around, a few people had already posted theirs and included that song on their lists. So I chose something different.


    2. Oh, I've got something unique for you! It's my favorite heavy metal band remaking 'Runaway' as a punk song. The rhythm guitarist took over vocals. ~grin~ Warren Fitzgerald from the Vandals tears it up, too.

  13. Great tunes! Most of those are new to me - I know, right?! ;) Thanks for the dance!

    1. Hey Stacy!

      Glad that I could introduce you to some new-to-you tunes :) See you on Monday!


  14. Howdy, MMQE ~
    Between a couple weeks where my work schedule took over my life, and then a 3-day trip back to 1876, I'm only just now starting to catch up with the people who left me behind.

    CHUCK E's IN LOVE is the song that turned me onto Rickie Lee Jones. I currently own 5 of her albums. BTW, she will be making a BOTB appearance on my blog before long. (Not this next one though, because it's colored orange and Rickie ain't orange -- she's "pink".) FUN FACT: This song was about Chuck E. Weiss who used to hang around with Rickie and Tom Waits in Hollyweird.

    Speaking of Tom Waits and recordings that include a man's name in the title, I'll lay this one on ya:

    And if you want another -- because that just wasn't strange enough for ya -- I'll give you this:

    Who would have guessed that the first song ever written about a transgendered woman was Waylon Jenning?

    ~ D-FensDogG
    [Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    1. Hey there Stephen!

      A trip back to 1876, huh? Where'd ya go - Montana? I'm just happy as pie that you took the time to stop by :)

      An orange colored BOTB.. hmmm it wouldn't be about Trump would it? Guess I'll have to stick around and see. My battle will go live late this evening - I've got 3 contestants again. I'm hoping it will turn out to be a good one.

      I don't know much about Tom Waits, but from the few samplings that I've heard, I think I prefer his speaking voice over his singing voice.

      And who knew that little bit of trivia about the Waylon Jenning song? I listened to the song, but I would not have even guessed it was about a transgendered woman, but it did remind me of a friend's xbox moniker in a game "Amanda Huggenkiss", funny he turned up his nose when I named my character "Pulma Fingerson".

      Always a pleasure when you drop by. See you again soon.


    2. Hi, MARY!
      I went to Virginia City -- home of the famous "Comstock Lode" mining discovery, and often mentioned on the TV show 'Bonanza'.

      Ha! No, my orange BOTB ain't about the Trump Train.

      And, oh, that bit about Waylon's "Amanda" being transgendered? I was just pulling your finger. Er... I mean, your leg. I was pulling your LEG!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      (link:] Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    3. Aw yes, Virginia City.

      I do believe you mentioned it once before in a blog post?

      Am curious to see how use use orange in your battle. will keep myself busy until then...


  15. Thanks for sharing these and rocking out with us! Just getting a chance to catch up!

  16. Hey Mary!
    I'm FINALLY getting here! Sorry it's taken me so long to make the rounds. I think I told you what was going on in my response to your comment on my 4M post. It's been absolutely nuts for the last month, literally. Insane. And I'm exhausted. But getting caught up. Going to finish hitting up the 4M posts and then I'll do BOTB voting later today or tomorrow.
    Great set of Male Names songs. Love Rickie Lee Jones' Chuck E's in Love. Never heard Alan Jackson's song but wow, I really like it. He has such an awesome voice!
    I think I included Billy, Don't Be a Hero in my extended playlist. I like Paper Lace's The Night Chicago Died. And every weekend needs a little Grateful Dead in it so thanks for that!

    Talk to you soon!
    Have a good weekend,

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Thanks, Michele!

      Hope that things ease up for you soon. Stop giving your information to those Nigerian Princes, eh?

      I really liked Alan Jackson's song as well. It's one that just makes me smile. Love love love Paper Lace. The Night Chicago Died is a favorite from the time it came out.

      Catch up with you soon!



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